Plot: this fiction book is about a 14 year old girl named Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo, otherwise known as Mia. Her best friend's name is Lilly Moscovitz. She lives with her artistic mom named Helen Thermopolis and her 25 pound, orange and white cat named Fat Louie. This book is the second book in the Princess Diaries series so this story continues where the first book left off. Mia is the princess of Genovia, a country in Europe, because her dad is the Prince. She is forced to take lessons to learn how to use a fish fork, speak in Swahili, and much more things that are insignificant to her and the world and tedious. Mia would much rather learn about overpopulation and gun control because she respects nature, is a vegetarian and worries about world issues. Anyway, her mom has just told Mia that she was pregnant, which was a good thing except there is one condition, it is Mia's algebra teacher's baby! All in all this book talks about Mia's life in school, her mom's secret marriage, and her torturous grandmother.
Character Description: the characters i am choosing to describe are Mia Thermopolis and Grandmere, Mia's grandma from her father's side.
- Mia- she is a freshman at Albert Einstein High School. She is five foot nine, size ten shoe, gray eyed, and short mouse-brown haired. She is not the smartest kid ever, especially in algebra which she gets tutored by Michael Moscovitz. I like Mia because even though she is a princess, she doesn't show off or brag to everybody at school. I know that Mia isn't good at being polite, but i still give her credit because she isn't "wild" like her best friend Lilly. I hope people in Genovia like Mia and will accept her politely in a new country.
- Grandmere- she is the queen of Genovia and grandmother of Mia. She is a rather critical women who has eyeliner permanently tattooed to her eyelids and dresses her hairless miniature poodle, Rommel, in chinchilla bolero jackets. I don't really like Grandmere because she is always in everybody's business. Plus, she is always pushing Mia to work harder and do things she doesn't want to do.
Your thoughts: I enjoyed this book because it was similar to the Princess Diaries movies except there were a few changes that made it different. I liked the way the author wrote the format of the book because it is like a journal so every time she writes a new entry it says the date, time and day of the week. There wasn't so much detail in this book which was okay because most of the "chapters" got to the point quickly. There weren't cliffhangers either which i was bothered by because i couldn't predict a lot. I couldn't make a lot of connections because most of the things she wrote about were about high school, girlfriends, and royal thrones. Overall, i liked it because it made me want to read the third book in the series.
Reading Strategies: i didn't really use any strategies that came of help to me. If i did use any i would choose summarizing because at the end of the book i summarized what i read so i knew what was going on when i read the third book. There wasn't much summarizing to do because when it was a new week in her journal, she summarized what happened last week. This was not a book in which i needed or used any strategies that is why i am stuck on what to write.
Author Information: the author's name is Meg Cabot. She has written several novels such as the Princess Diaries series, the Mediator series, All-American Girl, Teen Idol, Nicola and the Viscount and Victoria and the Rouge. The thing i liked bout this author is the way she shows Mia's feelings in a way that most girls do, through a journal. She resides in N.Y.C with her husvand and her one-eyed cat named Henrietta.
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