
Gilda Joyce: The Ghost Sonata

Plot: this book is about a 2 ninth grade girls who take a wild adventure to Oxford, England. The two main characters are Gilda Joyce and Gwendolyn Choy, otherwise known as Wendy. Wendy is a great piano player, which is why she qualified to play at the Young International Vitruosos Piano Competition in England. Gilda ends up being Wendy's official page-turner, getting her a spot on the plane to travel to Oxford in which she has been wanting to go for many reasons. During the time the girls are there, Wendy gets strange messages from a ghost and is being haunted by the number 9. By the end of the book, the ending will be different then what you expected, but it is still a good book for everyone.

Characters: the character i am choosing to describe is Gwendolyn Choy.
  • Gwendolyn Choy- Wendy is a ninth grade student who lives in Michigan, with her parents. She has great talent in playing the piano and has exceptional grades in school. Her parents are always expecting great things form her which puts a lot of pressure on Wendy causing her to always be stressed out. If i were to change something about Wendy it would be her attitude, she is never happy and has a low self-esteem.

Your Thoughts: i loved this book because it was full of mystery and cliffhangers. The Gilda Joyce series is great because Gilda is always in a strange situtation and ends up getting out of it by using the strange books she reads. I also love how Jennifer Allison used real English language to describe the setting and the people. I also like how she makes Gilda different than everyone else and shows that it is okay to be unique, which sends a good message to young kids.

Reading Strategies: in this book i used a lot of mental imagining and making predictions. Since the chapters ended in cliffhangers, i always tried to guess what would happen next, but since Jennifer Allison is such a good author she changes it up. I also use a lot of mental imagery because as i said before Jennifer gives great detail and makes is feel as if we were there in Gilda's shoes. Jennifer also says how the characters are feeling; nervous, mad, upset, happy, fustrated, etc.

Author Information: The author is Jennifer Allison, who has only written teh Gilda Joyce series. She grew up in Michigan but now lives in Washington D.C with her husband and son, Max. I absolutely loved how she made us feel in the characters postion by showing detail in how they feel and think. I hope she continues writing more Gilda Joyce books or other mystery books.

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